USA-presidenziali Novembre 2012
- Messaggi: 1081
- Iscritto il: 15/05/2012, 9:38
Re: USA-presidenziali Novembre 2012
Dipende COSA vogliono che faccia da presidente.
Come PARAFULMINE delle ire pubbliche, mentre i suoi dietro saccheggiano lo Stato, va benissimo.
Come Polverini, del resto.
Senti qua in sottofondo che razza di ignorante becera che hanno mandato avanti, mentre loro "arraffavano".
Poi va pure in giro a dire che non c'entra nulla: come minimo ha prestato la sua faccia per mascherare il depredamento. ... 909/104289
Come PARAFULMINE delle ire pubbliche, mentre i suoi dietro saccheggiano lo Stato, va benissimo.
Come Polverini, del resto.
Senti qua in sottofondo che razza di ignorante becera che hanno mandato avanti, mentre loro "arraffavano".
Poi va pure in giro a dire che non c'entra nulla: come minimo ha prestato la sua faccia per mascherare il depredamento. ... 909/104289
- Messaggi: 3973
- Iscritto il: 21/02/2012, 17:56
Re: USA-presidenziali Novembre 2012
September 26, 2012
Obama Mulls Competing for Arizona
President Obama's campaign is considering competing in Arizona, the AP reports.
"Obama looked at competing in Arizona in 2008,
but decided against it because of the support there for home state Sen. John McCain, the GOP nominee.
Obama still won 45 percent of the vote."
"This year, Obama's team talked early on about running in Arizona, which offers 11 electoral votes, but it never did.
Now, with an internal Democratic poll showing Obama narrowly leading Romney,
Obama's team might make a play for the state that has seen a 160,000 increase in voter registrations by Democratic-leaning Hispanics over the past four years." ... izona.html
maremmabbona !!!
se anche l'Arizona diventa competitive per Obama,
la vedo dura per i Goopers.
Obama Mulls Competing for Arizona
President Obama's campaign is considering competing in Arizona, the AP reports.
"Obama looked at competing in Arizona in 2008,
but decided against it because of the support there for home state Sen. John McCain, the GOP nominee.
Obama still won 45 percent of the vote."
"This year, Obama's team talked early on about running in Arizona, which offers 11 electoral votes, but it never did.
Now, with an internal Democratic poll showing Obama narrowly leading Romney,
Obama's team might make a play for the state that has seen a 160,000 increase in voter registrations by Democratic-leaning Hispanics over the past four years." ... izona.html

maremmabbona !!!
se anche l'Arizona diventa competitive per Obama,
la vedo dura per i Goopers.
- Messaggi: 3973
- Iscritto il: 21/02/2012, 17:56
Re: USA-presidenziali Novembre 2012
Some Interesting Debate Questions
While the candidates are using many of the spare hours to study for the Oct. debate in Denver,
moderator Jim Lehrer is no doubt burning the midnight oil thinking of challenging questions.
To help him out, Politico has come up with five good ones for each candidate, roughly paraphrased as follows
Questions for Obama
•Economists say that if the 2009 stimulus had been bigger, more jobs would have been created. Why was it so small?
•You promised to unite the country but you didn't. How do you answer people who expected you to do it?
•Why haven't you done more to help people who have lost their homes in the recession?
•How can you promise to protect entitlements when you have put them on the table?
•Why haven't you shown leadership on gun control?
Questions for Romney
•Can you now promise you won't eliminate the mortgage deduction? Name one loophole you will close.
•If you keep the popular (but expensive) parts of the ACA, how will you pay for it?
•Is it fair that you pay a lower tax rate than ordinary Americans?
•Why did Paul Ryan need to give you more tax returns than you are willing to disclose yourself?
•Name three things you disagree with in Ryan's budget plan.
The first debate is do or die for Romney.
He needs a clear victory to stop the downward spiral, lest his funders abandon him and put their money in Senate and House races.
Romney has to decide early on what his tone will be.
It could be a full frontal attack on Obama as a socialist hell bent on ruining the country.
His base would lap that up but the few swing voters left would not like that at all since Obama is personally popular.
Another approach is to try to depict Obama as a decent human being and good husband and father who is simply in over his head.
In other words, paint him as the second coming of Jimmy Carter.
But if Obama is in full command of facts and figures and acts presidential, that approach could easily fail. ... tml#item-4
While the candidates are using many of the spare hours to study for the Oct. debate in Denver,
moderator Jim Lehrer is no doubt burning the midnight oil thinking of challenging questions.
To help him out, Politico has come up with five good ones for each candidate, roughly paraphrased as follows
Questions for Obama
•Economists say that if the 2009 stimulus had been bigger, more jobs would have been created. Why was it so small?
•You promised to unite the country but you didn't. How do you answer people who expected you to do it?
•Why haven't you done more to help people who have lost their homes in the recession?
•How can you promise to protect entitlements when you have put them on the table?
•Why haven't you shown leadership on gun control?
Questions for Romney
•Can you now promise you won't eliminate the mortgage deduction? Name one loophole you will close.
•If you keep the popular (but expensive) parts of the ACA, how will you pay for it?
•Is it fair that you pay a lower tax rate than ordinary Americans?
•Why did Paul Ryan need to give you more tax returns than you are willing to disclose yourself?
•Name three things you disagree with in Ryan's budget plan.
The first debate is do or die for Romney.
He needs a clear victory to stop the downward spiral, lest his funders abandon him and put their money in Senate and House races.
Romney has to decide early on what his tone will be.
It could be a full frontal attack on Obama as a socialist hell bent on ruining the country.
His base would lap that up but the few swing voters left would not like that at all since Obama is personally popular.
Another approach is to try to depict Obama as a decent human being and good husband and father who is simply in over his head.
In other words, paint him as the second coming of Jimmy Carter.
But if Obama is in full command of facts and figures and acts presidential, that approach could easily fail. ... tml#item-4
- Messaggi: 3973
- Iscritto il: 21/02/2012, 17:56
Re: USA-presidenziali Novembre 2012
Today's Presidential Polls
There is almost uniformly bad news for Mitt Romney today.
He is way behind in the swing states of Florida, Iowa, and Ohio, and Pennsylvania is not swinging at all.
It is solid blue.
The only bit of good news for him is that Missouri is looking out of reach of Obama.
The Quinnipac polls are controversial among Republicans because they have a larger percentage of Democrats than were in the 2008 exit polls.
In the Florida poll, the sample was D +8 but the actual 2008 vote was D +3.
Nevertheless, it could well be true as people change their partisan identification over time.
In particular, many seniors in Florida may have stopped identifying as Republicans on account of Ryan's plan to replace Medicare with a voucher plan.
In Ohio, the Quinnipiac poll was D +9, not that far from the 2008 exit polls in the state, which showed D +8.
State.................Obama Romney Start End Pollster
Florida................53% 44% Sep 18 Sep 24 Quinnipiac U.
Iowa..................51% 44% Sep 24 Sep 26 PPP
Massachusetts ....55% 40% Sep 24 Sep 24 Rasmussen
Maryland.............55% 36% Sep 17 Sep 23 Gonzales Research
Missouri..............44% 50% Sep 20 Sep 20 Chilenski Strategies
Ohio...................53% 43% Sep 18 Sep 24 Quinnipiac U.
Pennsylvania........52% 43% Sep 18 Sep 23 Franklin+Marshall Coll.
Pennsylvania........54% 42% Sep 18 Sep 24 Quinnipiac U. ... tml#item-7
There is almost uniformly bad news for Mitt Romney today.
He is way behind in the swing states of Florida, Iowa, and Ohio, and Pennsylvania is not swinging at all.
It is solid blue.
The only bit of good news for him is that Missouri is looking out of reach of Obama.
The Quinnipac polls are controversial among Republicans because they have a larger percentage of Democrats than were in the 2008 exit polls.
In the Florida poll, the sample was D +8 but the actual 2008 vote was D +3.
Nevertheless, it could well be true as people change their partisan identification over time.
In particular, many seniors in Florida may have stopped identifying as Republicans on account of Ryan's plan to replace Medicare with a voucher plan.
In Ohio, the Quinnipiac poll was D +9, not that far from the 2008 exit polls in the state, which showed D +8.
State.................Obama Romney Start End Pollster
Florida................53% 44% Sep 18 Sep 24 Quinnipiac U.
Iowa..................51% 44% Sep 24 Sep 26 PPP
Massachusetts ....55% 40% Sep 24 Sep 24 Rasmussen
Maryland.............55% 36% Sep 17 Sep 23 Gonzales Research
Missouri..............44% 50% Sep 20 Sep 20 Chilenski Strategies
Ohio...................53% 43% Sep 18 Sep 24 Quinnipiac U.
Pennsylvania........52% 43% Sep 18 Sep 23 Franklin+Marshall Coll.
Pennsylvania........54% 42% Sep 18 Sep 24 Quinnipiac U. ... tml#item-7
- Messaggi: 3973
- Iscritto il: 21/02/2012, 17:56
Re: USA-presidenziali Novembre 2012
September 27, 2012
An Obama Landslide?
Nate Silver says there "looks to be about a 20 percent chance that Mr. Romney will win,
but also about a 20 percent chance that Mr. Obama will actually beat his 2008 margin in the popular vote.
The smart money is on an outcome somewhere in the middle - as it has been all year.
But if you can conceive of a Romney comeback
- and you should account for that possibility -
you should also allow for the chance that things could get really out of hand, and that Mr. Obama could win in a borderline landslide." ... slide.html
Jesus Christ !!!
An Obama Landslide?
Nate Silver says there "looks to be about a 20 percent chance that Mr. Romney will win,
but also about a 20 percent chance that Mr. Obama will actually beat his 2008 margin in the popular vote.
The smart money is on an outcome somewhere in the middle - as it has been all year.
But if you can conceive of a Romney comeback
- and you should account for that possibility -
you should also allow for the chance that things could get really out of hand, and that Mr. Obama could win in a borderline landslide." ... slide.html
Jesus Christ !!!
- Messaggi: 3973
- Iscritto il: 21/02/2012, 17:56
Re: USA-presidenziali Novembre 2012
September 27, 2012
Latest Swing State Polls
Here are the latest polls from the battleground states, updated as needed through the day:
Iowa: ................Romney 47%, Obama 46% (TIR-Voter/Consumer Research)
Virginia: .............Obama 46%, Romney 44% (Suffolk University)
North Carolina: ....Obama 48%, Romney 46% (WSJ/NBC)
New Hampshire: ...Obama 51%, Romney 44%(WSJ/NBC)
Nevada: ..............Obama 49%, Romney 47% (WSJ/NBC) ... polls.html
Latest Swing State Polls
Here are the latest polls from the battleground states, updated as needed through the day:
Iowa: ................Romney 47%, Obama 46% (TIR-Voter/Consumer Research)
Virginia: .............Obama 46%, Romney 44% (Suffolk University)
North Carolina: ....Obama 48%, Romney 46% (WSJ/NBC)
New Hampshire: ...Obama 51%, Romney 44%(WSJ/NBC)
Nevada: ..............Obama 49%, Romney 47% (WSJ/NBC) ... polls.html
- Messaggi: 3973
- Iscritto il: 21/02/2012, 17:56
Re: USA-presidenziali Novembre 2012
September 27, 2012
Latest National Polls
Here are the latest national polls, updated as needed through the day:
Fox News: .......Obama 48%, Romney 43%
Gallup: ............Obama 50%, Romney 44%
Rasmussen: ......Obama 46%, Romney 46%
Reuters/Ipsos: ...Obama 49%, Romney 42% ... polls.html
Latest National Polls
Here are the latest national polls, updated as needed through the day:
Fox News: .......Obama 48%, Romney 43%
Gallup: ............Obama 50%, Romney 44%
Rasmussen: ......Obama 46%, Romney 46%
Reuters/Ipsos: ...Obama 49%, Romney 42% ... polls.html
- Messaggi: 1079
- Iscritto il: 19/04/2012, 12:04
Re: USA-presidenziali Novembre 2012
Se non succede qualcosa di "strano" Obama haa la ri-elezione in tasca
- Messaggi: 3973
- Iscritto il: 21/02/2012, 17:56
Re: USA-presidenziali Novembre 2012
George Soros Gives $1 Million to Obama superPAC
Nearly all the billionaires making big donations to superPACs this year have been Republicans,
but finally one Democrat is stepping up.
George Soros has given $1 million to Obama's superPAC Priorities USA.
Soros has given money to other Democratic-aligned superPACs this year,
just not to Obama's.
He is reportedly not entirely happy with Obama.
In previous years, a gift of $1 million would have been enormous, but with people like Sheldon Adelson
shelling out $100 million to the GOP,

it is small potatoes. ... tml#item-9
Sheldon Adelson : ... y-billions
com'è che sto qua mi ricorda qualcuno ...???
Nearly all the billionaires making big donations to superPACs this year have been Republicans,
but finally one Democrat is stepping up.
George Soros has given $1 million to Obama's superPAC Priorities USA.
Soros has given money to other Democratic-aligned superPACs this year,
just not to Obama's.
He is reportedly not entirely happy with Obama.
In previous years, a gift of $1 million would have been enormous, but with people like Sheldon Adelson
shelling out $100 million to the GOP,

it is small potatoes. ... tml#item-9
Sheldon Adelson : ... y-billions
com'è che sto qua mi ricorda qualcuno ...???
- Messaggi: 3973
- Iscritto il: 21/02/2012, 17:56
Re: USA-presidenziali Novembre 2012

unbelievable...but :
September 28, 2012
Bush Viewed More Favorably Than Romney
Dallas Morning News:
"For all the talk about whether Mitt Romney should distance himself from George W. Bush
-- and the policies of the last GOP White House --
a new survey shows that the former president actually has better favorability ratings than the Republican nominee."
The most recent Bloomberg poll shows Bush with a 46% to 49% favorable rating as compared to Romney's 43% to 50%. ... omney.html
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